
Life is strange; many great philosophers might have said that before me, many actors might have used the same line but still this line has got an aura of its own, a weird magic in its letters that makes it so apt to describe the tale of one’s busted ass in the least possible words....................
 Anita, my wife, had multiple bone fractures along with blood clotting in several organs. Miraculously, she had hopes of surviving, hopes of allowing yet another bunch air inside inside her. Bit later even that bit of strength eluded her body and she was put on ventilators. After a while, the doc called me to tell "your wife is out of danger”. I busted into tears. That was the only moment in my life when i was HAPPY; n i meant every letter of that word, every dot that made up those letters. Although i was  bit annoyed with the choice of words the doc  used, I mean, she just survived the most fatal accident what else he wanted brains coming out and hanging by nerves!!!  If i were to narrate my whole story to god, a more powerful line would have been better. I made up to some extent, when i went back to the waiting hall and screamed “she’s  gonna live, she will see you again, she’s ain’t going anywhere  “ . They didn’t give me a reaction i was looking for, in fact their look suggested my choice of words had some problems...Was i to be more dramatic, were they looking for some more powerful words...confused as always.... i  asked Aman, Anita’s brother in law about the matter. What followed wasn’t only surprising but also kind of funny.
Anita was at her sister’s place, when her stomach started hurting, and Aman first predicted she  was going to have a baby, i don’t know why he mentioned that  because even without  mentioning it, i had complete confidence in Aman’s credentials i.e. a complete asshole, then  in a hurry she fell down from the stairs.
 Thus, Anita had an appendicitis operation and  a leg fracture....
I was wondering if Priya’s genes  went out holidaying when she decided to marry Aman. I mean no one would believe Anita’s gene could make such a horrendous mistake. But still Anita was not in good health and i was to be with her. She saw me first when she opened her eyes. She was delighted. I stayed with her for few hours, in the mean time kavya kept texting me about happenings and i started replying her until Aman called me. When i returned my mobile came flying to my face. I picked it up to see a message                 
                                                               “        love you honey, take care           
                                                                                    Sender:  kavya”  
Life is strange.................


  1. Your last line proves life is full of turns n twists...da way u narrate its just mind-boggling...each word n sentence of ur blogs force me into my dreamland where she is waiting for me...awesome buddy!!!

  2. Ahh! dis is my fav 1, its nt strange at al d last line proves it, coz it wud have seemed v.strange widout it!
    Aftr reading my cmnts u must think of my crazy sense of humour, bt I can't help it being otherwise, truns out 2 b sardonic every tym! :( Bt Abhay u sud have really cont. wid humanities coz it luks lyk ur heart alwayz wanted 2 beat humanities!


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