A bit more

A bit more
A bit more sleep, a bit more of time in the Shower, bit more of time ..... bit more of solitude, bit more of tears,a bit more........of her...
I always wanted to chase down my future,grab its neck, bring him to his knees and then smartly walk past by it.I dreamt of it and every single day kept getting close to it inch by inch ,inch by inch and then suddenly..... life came to a halt.it had stopped for 3minutes atleast and then.. started crawling like a snail.. a creature which uses almost 60% of its body part to move.Well, i was easily in a deeper shithole, i had to convince every 365 bones of mine, along with its fleshier relatives to MOVE.Moving from one work to another took me years. Not that i was slow,i didnt wanna be fast...i wanted to see her laugh, wanted to see those blessed saturdays,that smile she gave after cracking a cheap joke, our booze fridays, our trip to goa, my first promotion,our first night i felt immersed into them falling down.....down the to the deepest point in the ocean, seeing all those memories floating and then i saw kavya, saw how i lied to my soulmate anita on phone, saw the coffee joint where i was when i got the call..these memories pulled me, pulled me back to the surface of the enormous ocean..... to suffer, i didnt want to live i wanted to die with anitas memories but these wont let me do so they would make me suffer, suffer like the goat being hallaled, rot on the surface with no intention to live no way to die, i used to come out to the real world and proceed to my next chore... the sequence used to continue........
A bit more of sleep, a bit more of dreams , bit more of her out of world wishes, bit more of calls, a bit more of screams, a bit more of........... her........


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