i had a life

22nd April 2011
Raza khan, that is what the people across the streets used to call me. But my mausi called me abu and my sister Noor. I liked my sister’s name a lot, i liked being called raza but mausi wouldn’t listen to me ever. We lived in a a big city Rawalpindi, but the place we lived in was all messy,clobbered with electric poles,, wires, thatched roofs and garbage all around. Although i felt really special when  i used to return to my village, Arandui, where mausi said we and our mother were born. My mother’s name was Razia, although i never got to see her, mausi said she was very beautiful. Mausi’s parents (whom i had never seen, may be noor has, i ‘ll ask her) had left her a house. But mausi used to like living in the city, she said people in the village wouldn’t give that much money that we she used to get in the city. She was a tailor and had a shop in Rawalpindi. She had three girls assisting her, Salma was one of them. She was from our village and was one of the many friends who used to eagerly await my arrival. I was the only thing which was the closest they could ever get to their fantasies. My stories about Rawalpindi, the big buildings the beautiful people , their clothes, their vehicles, their food used to float around their minds for days. Although i used to lie, exaggerate in short intervals ( specially, about young people falling in love and eloping , beautiful  girls having two husbands at a time)  no one used to show even an inkling of suspicion, because i was the person who had lived their fantasises.
I was never good in studies and my teacher always used to give me examples of my elder sister. Yes, you might be wondering, how come we read in schools and not madrasas. Our mausi made it a point no matter how meagre was the result of the subtraction of school fee from the amount earned, she would never send us to a madrasa as almost all children of our locality went. She always wanted us to speak fluent English like those people who used to visit us with red cross on the big white shirts.
27th march 2014
It’s been a long time since i wrote anything. And this page is purely the result of Noor’s inspiration (scolding). Things in the big city don’t seem all well. Following the liberation of countries like Libya, Jordan, people here are planning some similar kind of stuff. I don’t like our president, he hasn’t done anything for us but still a revolution would just result in more turmoil, chaos and confusion.
25th august 2014
If some guy has told people make or break a govt.  I do believe him today. Mass protests are going on in the city, schools were closed and most of my friends have gone to mass protests .even i was about to go, but noor and massi strictly denied any thoughts about that. Our country seems to be divided into two parts, the pro government and the anti government. My city falls in the anti govt. Part. There’s a lot of international support to rebels, especially India. I heard on some news channel that there was UN Council set up to look Into Military intervention in our country to stop the govt. forces attacking the rebels and its India, who recently got the permanent seat, spearheading the initiative. I fear their would a huge backlash on the rebels. Noor was saying we should move back to our village for at least some days. Mausi thinks it would get over soon. I know she’s being unrealistically optimistic .It’s up to Noor to convince her.
   We are moving to Arandui. I will get the tickets for day after tomorrow. It’s already 12 i should go back to bed..................... and yes of course the good news .........UN forces have entered our country and have started bombing all govt. military camps in rebel cities.


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