i loved a country

27th august
I don’t know why i writing this at this point of time. But i feel like pouring down somewhere, Noor was hit today. NO not by the govt. force but by the UN forces.
29th august
 Today i got some time. I will write about everything. As i had written earlier, i was to go to the station to buy the tickets. But at the last second , noor decided to come with me. She said she went just to make sure i don’t go and join the protests with my friends. But i knew she was scared of letting me out in that volatile environment, i don’t what help that was of. Maybe if i had been strong on the Liberty of Human being part while arguing with her, we could have been peacefully sleeping in our village right now. But Noor was any day a better orator than me. Salma had come with us, she also come with us, i don’t knw why she came, she was no less than a farista or angel for us that day.
I was in the station, there were unusually a larger crowd of military personals that day. They hated us , they hated us a lot. We were standing in the queue, and for no reason, one of them used to come and slap us on the back of our head and shout “Stand in a queue” and start laughing. No one said a word, we just drank it all the allegations, insults, humiliations.
As i said there was an unusual no. of military people. I guess some big guy was coming. When the train arrived, i was startled by the no. of green uniforms on that train. I felt the whole Pakistani army was there. My head went crazy guessing what was there in that goods train. I bought the ticket and asked noor to wait and then dissolved into the crowd. Some wooden boxes were carefully being taken out one by one. Then suddenly one fell down broke off, and an array of curses from the senior commander along with some huge cries filled the air i squeezed in to what was in those boxes. What i saw blew my minds away. As far as to my knowledge, those were grenades, a as far as my common sense went those were to be used to kill our people. I ran to Noor and salma and went out of the station. Before i could answer even one of the 1001 questions asked by Noor and 600 more added by Salma , a huge sound of a low flying aircraft distracted our attention. As we were struggling, to figure out why it was flying so low, it started firing. We ran, we ran like mad cows. I lost salma and noor and was running alone. For some reason i don’t why but felt like being targeted, maybe it was my green shirt; i don’t know what it was. But they kept on firing near me as i ran to a row of closed shops and clinged on to iron grill of one of the shops. And believe me when i say this they fired near that spot until they were convinced they had lost sight of my dead body. After half an hour of clinging to life merely on my nails. I dialled Salma’s no., my hands were terribly shaking. I was sure she won’t pick up. But by allah’s grace she did and directed me where they were hiding, i ran to them. On my way i saw a blazing station, nothing was left, everything was on fire. When i went there noor hugged me like she had never hugged before. Salma was all in tears and was pulling noor back and asking her to sit, i then noticed her left leg bleeding. Words never came out. Words were shocked, they needed time to come out of their state and then out of my mouth.


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